Saturday, July 25, 2020

M Is For Murals ~ An Alphabet Storybook by Trudy Stuckless

M Is For Murals,
written by retired nurse and first time author Trudy Stuckless, is more than just a children's alphabet book with cute rhythm and rhyme; it is a celebration of art and all the people who produce it including those who partnered with Stuckless, Newfoundland artists Boyd Chubbs and Craig Goudie. Yes, the writing has great flow and a musical lilt that easily rolls from the tongue but the highlight and real appeal of this book are the beautiful muralistic images  located in the seaport town of Botwood, Newfoundland and the ancient calligraphy used to tell their story.

While one would presume that an alphabet book is meant entirely for children, this book is completely different. M Is For Murals is intended for both children and adults. It is not a book that can be devoured and then laid back upon the bookshelf. Rather it begs to be slowly consumed, page by page, reading the words, deciphering the murals, discussing the process and the history that they depict. The duality of the book is a feature I quite admire as without an adult the book is meaningless to a child and without the child the intention of the story cannot be fully enjoyed by the adult. Boyd Chubbs purposeful choice of 700 year old English alphabet to begin each verse in this book reminds us of our past and where the printed word originated. Likewise, the use of cursive writing as a font style will also intrigue young readers of the digital era and lends itself to another whole new discovery and teaching opportunity.

2020 marks the Botwood Mural Arts Society's 10th anniversary. M Is For Murals is a very fitting way to mark this milestone and to celebrate Botwood's claim to fame as "Mural Capital of Newfoundland and Labrador". The 13 murals dotted throughout the town are beautiful depictions of a vibrant past; from historic community places like "Sceviour's Sawmill",  "Twilight of Airmail" and the stunning "The Two R's", artists also pay homage to those who have gone before us in "Clash of Cultures", "Salute To Our Veterans" and "Botwood, WWII". I would be remiss not to mention the iconic railway mural entitled "Come Home"  measuring 9000 square feet. M Is For Murals beautifully illustrates each of these pieces of artwork and aptly recognizes the talented artists from Newfoundland and the world who have come together to produce them. 

M Is For Murals is a delightful read and should be part of your 2020 summer Staycation plans. Kudos to the Botwood Mural Arts Society in believing in a creative economy and working to preserve the life and times of the people of Botwood and kudos to Trudy Stuckless, Boyd Chubbs and Craig Goudie for preserving this history in the form of the printed word. M Is For Murals is a Flanker Press publication.

Please support the Botwood Mural Arts Society by visiting their webpage. 


  1. Wow! Thank you Stephanie for taking the time to review M is for Murals. It feels good to know you "got the concept" we were trying to portray. You described it exactly as we intended, especially the part about the interplay between an adult reading and a child listening!!

    1. It's always nice to find literature that can be enjoyed in the comfort of a big comfy chair snuggled next to that special little person. M Is For Murals is also great for literacy development, Inquiry projects, Art making, and for exploring concepts in NL Social Studies! Educators, take note!
